The Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme has been essential to funding the repairs and improvements of listed churches for many years and St Austin’s is, of course, a listed building.  The Scheme allows for the recovery of VAT on these important projects.  The Scheme is reviewed annually as part of the Government’s Budget process and is to be reviewed in March 2025. If the Scheme is not renewed, this will have a considerable financial impact on the viability of any listed church projects – and we of course are planning repairs and renovations to mark the Bicentennial of St Austin’s in 2027.

It is vital that we communicate to the Government the importance of this Scheme.  The Bishops’ Conference Patrimony Committee have set up an e-campaign so that people can easily send a (pre-written) letter to their local MPs in support of continuing the Scheme.  There is very little time to mobilise this before the Budget on 30 October 2024.   We are asking as many parishioners as possible to send letters to their MP.

The link below will automatically populate your MPs details based on your postcode.  Parishioners can choose to use generic text in the link or they can easily personalise the letter.

Please feel free to share this as widely as possible to fellow parishioners, friends and family.

We would urge all to respond as quickly as possible.


There will be an open morning at English Martyrs School and Nursery for parents of children going into Nursery or Reception in the coming years. This will be held on Friday 5th July 2024 9.30a.m-10.30a.m.

News from English Martyrs School.

Well done to all at the school on their outstanding OFSTED report. Places are available from September 2024 at this very successful school and nursery. Find out more here

Latest News

Huge amount raised for Candlelighters

Candlelighters Fundraiser: The Toddler group wish to express their heartfelt thanks for your support, it is very much appreciated. £938 was raised on the day! Further donations, including from the choir, take the total to £1088. Candlelighters have been very supportive to one of the families that use the group. Amazing!!! Thank you all and well done to Michelle for organising the event and continuing to run such a wonderful Mother and Toddler group.

Great OFSTED report for St Austin’s Primary School

Our parish primary school was recently inspected by Ofsted. The school continues to be a GOOD school. Parishioners may like to read some comments from the report.   The school celebrates the diversity of the pupils it serves. Pupils learn about the importance of tolerance and respect for all. The school provides pupils with an ambitious curriculum that enables them to learn well. Pupils behave well in school. They are calm and orderly and follow routines well. The school has ‘virtues to live by’. Each virtue, such as kindness, is focused on for three weeks at a time. Children who demonstrate their living out the virtue are rewarded with a certificate at the weekly celebration assembly. This motivates them to behave well in school. In celebration assemblies, pupils look forward to gaining their awards and spinning the rewards wheel if their class has the highest attendance.  The full report can be read by clicking on the link

Fr Sean induction ceremony with Bishop Marcus

Rev Fr Sean Crawley was inducted a parish priest of St Austin’s and the English Martyrs as well as St Ignatius Ossett recently. The ceremony was conducted by Bishop Marcus at a sung Mass featuring the choir of both parishes

St Austin’s Choir Tour

The choir has just completed a very successful tour in Spain including concerts in Segovia Cathedral and the Church of San Antonio de los Alemanes in Madrid. Finally, the music of Tomas Luis de Victoria was sung at Mass in Ávila cathedral where Victoria was a choirboy. The tour concluded with a short concert and then a private singing of Victoria’s ‘Ave Regina Caelorum’ around the altar. Above all it was a tour full of great camaraderie, friendship and fun. Wonderful singing in beautiful buildings with warm and appreciative audiences.

Traditional Latin Mass

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Mass in the traditional (extraordinary ) rite will be celebrated by Monsignor Smith this Friday 7th July in the Chantry Chapel, Wakefield at 7.00p.m. Music will be provided by St Austin’s Choir. The mass is being celebrated to commemorate 400 years since the death of William Byrd. Byrd was the foremost composer of the late 16th century. He was also a recusant and only his musical ability probably saved him from greater punishment than fines. the Mass will feature music from William Byrd and plainchant.

Coronation Celebrations

During the week preceding and on the weekend of the coronation of King Charles III there were celebrations in the parish. The celebrations started during the week with a special meeting of the film club (pictured below) before a sung Mass on the eve of the coronation. Mass was full of special prayers for the King and uplifting music. On Sunday special prayers again ere said and the national anthem sung at masses before a party was held in the parish centre

Altar Servers enrolled into Archconfraternity of St Stephen

Congratulations to the altar severs who were enrolled in the Guild of St Stephen at Mass on Sunday 7th May 2023. Here they are receiving their medals and being thanked by Monsignor Smith for their hard work and dedication.


To be held in the St Austin’s Parish Centre after the 11am Mass. Please add your name to the list in the Narthex in order to help with the numbers for catering.

Latin Mass on Friday evenings

is suspended until further notice following a direction from Bishop Marcus after clarification from Archbishop Arthur Roche in Rome. More information

Natter Matters

It is good to get together, have a natter, cup of tea or coffee and a laugh. It is lovely to chat with people you know or chat to new people. If you fancy meeting up with a few ladies, on alternative Mondays between 6.30 and 8.00 pm in English Martyrs Parish Centre, please come along on Monday 20 February to find out more.

Refreshments after Mass in English Martyrs Parish Centre. Drinks, light refreshments and a warm welcome are available after Mass every Sunday. It would be a good opportunity to see the newly refurbished centre too.

Foundation Governor Vacancies

Further information about the Trust and its schools can be viewed at:

The Bishop Konstant Catholic Academy Trust is seeking to recruit Foundation Governors to join the Academy Councils of English Martyrs Catholic Primary School and St Austin’s Catholic Primary School.

What do Governors do?

The Academy Council provides strategic leadership and accountability in schools. The key functions include:

· Supporting the Trust Board in overseeing delivery of the Trust Strategic Plan at a local level;

· Ensuring clarity of Catholic vision, ethos and strategic direction;

· Holding the appropriate senior leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;

· Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure money is well spent.

Some of the things Governors may be responsible for are:

· Monitoring the performance and progress of the school;

· Monitoring the school budget and deciding how money is spent;

· Appointing school staff;

· Engaging with pupils, parents, staff and the school community.

If you have a keen interest in education and feel you could make a positive contribution to the work of an Academy Council, we would like to hear from you.

To be eligible for appointment as a Foundation Governor applicants must be a practising Catholic, over the age of 18 and be committed to attending half-termly meetings of the Academy Council and visiting the school. Interested persons are invited to complete an application form. The Diocesan Bishop (Leeds Catholic Diocese) is responsible for appointing Foundation Governors. Please contact the Trust Governance Manager for an application form, further advice and information, by emailing

School Children and the Sacraments: We are now under way with preparations for the sacraments for our children. Children are due to receive the sacraments in the following school years.
1st Confession Year 3
1st Holy Communion Year 4
Confirmation Year 6
Anyone who has a child due for the sacraments this year should speak to one of the priests as soon as possible to book a place on the courses.

Reading at Sunday Mass at St Austin’s: Are you interested in reading at the Sunday Masses at St Austin’s? Post Covid, we intend to re-establish a rota of readers for Sunday Masses at St Austin’s. Current readers and those interested in becoming readers, are invited to give their names and contact details to Father Chris. Training will be given at a later date.