
English Martyrs School
Dewsbury Road, Wakefield, WF2 9DD
Head of School: Mrs Bridget Kerrigan
Telephone: 01924 299244
For more information please visit; English Martyrs School website

St Austin’s School
St. Austin’s Catholic Primary School Our parish primary school was recently inspected by Ofsted. The school continues to be a GOOD school. Parishioners may like to read some comments from the report. The school celebrates the diversity of the pupils it serves. Pupils learn about the importance of tolerance and respect for all. The school provides pupils with an ambitious curriculum that enables them to learn well. Pupils behave well in school. They are calm and orderly and follow routines well. The school has ‘virtues to live by’. Each virtue, such as kindness, is focused on for three weeks at a time. Children who demonstrate their living out the virtue are rewarded with a certificate at the weekly celebration assembly. This motivates them to behave well in school. In celebration assemblies, pupils look forward to gaining their awards and spinning the rewards wheel if their class has the highest attendance. The full report can be read by clicking on the link
Back Duke of York Street, Wakefield, WF1 3PF.
Head of School: Mr John Molyneux
Telephone: 01924 339435.
For more information please visit; St Austin’s School website

St Thomas a Becket School
Barnsley Rd, Sandal Magna, Wakefield WF2 6EQ
Headteacher: Mrs Cathy Baxendale
Telephone: 01924 303545
St Thomas a Becket Catholic College
This College is the High School for most of the pupils from the two primaries. Pupils from Y7-Y11 attend.
Foundation Governor Vacancies
The Bishop Konstant Catholic Academy Trust is seeking to recruit Foundation Governors to join the Academy Councils of English Martyrs Catholic Primary School and St Austin’s Catholic Primary School.
Further information about the Trust and its schools can be viewed at:
What do Governors do?
The Academy Council provides strategic leadership and accountability in schools. The key functions include:
· Supporting the Trust Board in overseeing delivery of the Trust Strategic Plan at a local level;
· Ensuring clarity of Catholic vision, ethos and strategic direction;
· Holding the appropriate senior leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
· Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure money is well spent.
Some of the things Governors may be responsible for are:
· Monitoring the performance and progress of the school;
· Monitoring the school budget and deciding how money is spent;
· Appointing school staff;
· Engaging with pupils, parents, staff and the school community.
If you have a keen interest in education and feel you could make a positive contribution to the work of an Academy Council, we would like to hear from you.
To be eligible for appointment as a Foundation Governor applicants must be a practising Catholic, over the age of 18 and be committed to attending half-termly meetings of the Academy Council and visiting the school. Interested persons are invited to complete an application form. The Diocesan Bishop (Leeds Catholic Diocese) is responsible for appointing Foundation Governors. Please contact the Trust Governance Manager for an application form, further advice and information, by emailing